Monday, April 9, 2007

Big South Fork

As a weekend get away Chelsie and I decided to check out a little gem in Southern Kentucky/ Northern Tennessee. If anybody is interested in the Smokies but prefers to go where there is no crowds (The smokies is the most visited National Park in the country) then I would recommend Big South Fork. It has the Smokies feel with the mountain Laurel and wildflowers with the big rivers of Kentucky feel. An excellent place if you like riverside rambles that are fairly easy going.

Located in the sprawling metropolis of Pine Knot, Kentucky and Oneida, Tennessee. These are fairly nice towns but not a whole lot to do. We saw all the teenagers hanging out at the big hang out (Sonics).

Anyways we had a good time and it was a nice weekend get away. Lots of pretty overlooks and a few neat attractions like an old concrete bridge that spans the river.