Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summit Summer

This summer has been a climbing filled summer. Mostly in Yosemite but also at Mt. Shasta in northern California. We summated Shasta on 7/21/07 via the Holtum Glacier. The picture of me is hanging in a bergschrund ( where the glacier separates from the mountain. The other pictures are of me climbing in Tuolumne. It is an area in northern Yosemite which is very high and there is a lot of exposed granite to be climbed. Yesterday we climbed Cathedral Peak the “most beautiful mountain in the area” according to John Muir. When he climbed it he was quoted as saying it was the first time he had been to church since he got to California. The top was about as big as a kitchen table and the view was spectacular. You could see all the way into the valley, including half dome which you can see in one of the pictures.

It has been a good summer this far and I have met a lot of great people here at Summit Adventure. The summer will really be gearing up soon so I figured I’d better post something now before I got too busy. Soon I will be going out on a 14 day youth course so I am excited for that. Well, hope all is well with you.



mattyz43 said...

Looks b u t ful.

Anonymous said...

You look like you're in a fickin' movie! When do you get back home this fall?
