Thursday, May 29, 2008

Advanced Outdoor Leadership Training

Well you may or may not know I put together a course for 6 students to Oregon this summer. The main focus of that being to climb Mt. Hood. Everybody showed up in Portland on the 20th. We started off doing some rock climbing at some local crags and camping in the Columbia River Gorge.

After some waiting on the terrible Oregon monsoon we went up to the mountain and did some snow school. We taught how to travel on ropes and basic ice axe use. The following day we put in a high camp around 9,000 feet on the south side of the mountain praying for good weather. It was a great camp to watch the sunset and clouds move in. The clouds looked like you could walk out on them.

The following morning it was cloudy but fair weather so we decided to push for the summit. After climbing up with relatively clarity, the clouds moved in right before we gained the steepest part of the route. We climbing on through the weather and made the summit around noon.

It wasn't exactly pleasant on the summit so we didn't stay long. Coming down proved to be kinda hairy. Luckily we had used wands (small marker flags dropped in the snow) to guide us back to camp. There were a few times when we had to take it slow and fan out looking for the next flag but luckily we found our way down and got off the mountain that evening.

After relaxing a few days the course closed and spirits were pretty high as we all parted ways. Next for me is Mount Rainier. Check back soon for updates on that adventure.



Nate and Ruthie said...

curt, i don't care what you think, do not walk out on those will fall through them. I know they look like a big blanket, they are not.
Amazing to see what you're doing bro. God has you the right place! Those people have never experienced such vast knowledge, leadership, or red hair.
Just to let you know, we lost in the sectional semi-final 12-6 to Corydon. we jumped out 4-0, tied it back up 6-6, but then they hit the crap out of us. I love getting to help out. When do you think you'll be home again?


Campbell said...


I'm glad your butt is down from that mean mountain. Looks like fun, or torture, depending on you likes and dislikes! Keep us posted! Love ya! Amy and all